Hey folks,
- Fast Internet, Slow Download Speed - posted in Networking: Speedtest shows that my download speed is 71.50 Mbps, but when I download something (a steam game for example) my download speed is 200.
- How to download the patch faster! Sign in to follow this. Well download speed is indeed insane low, this is going to take me 17 hours with a 20MB connection. Well I got 0.9-1.5MB/s Not fast but not slow either. Just gonna go eat dinner and it will be ready. Though some games like Rift do have 5-6MB/s updates.
Eso Loading Slow
Fortnite Subreddits:Since ESO is an online game, I tend to rush through dialogs without actually reading them. - the text speed - the delay until the text starts appearing. If you enjoy slow and immersive gameplay, try TrueExploration and PinKiller. - 1.10 - compatible with the Murkmire update - 1.9.12 - compatible with the Wolfhunter update - 1.9.11.
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Why Is My Download Speed Slow